Our poor little tree.... everything is in storage and it started to get to close to christmas and I was to lazy to go dig out decorations so we went and bought some ribbon and some balls and called it good. I had to hurry and get a picture of the tree and presents before the kids attacked.. It was so fun to watch the kids open their presents, I am mean and actually make them take turns so we can see what each other got before it gets tossed to the side. Aidan and Avree got a ds this year and they haven't put them down since. It is actually quiet when they are all into their games. Preston got a paintball gun and couldn't wait to go out and shoot it. We were dog sitting again and somehow the dog ended up with green dots on him... and of course the Snuggies.. haha! I don't know why but these things are so funny! They even came with matching socks........ After opening up everything and cleaning up the trash we got a nice visit from Ryans parents so they could see what the kids got and we could give them their presents. Then off to my parents house for Christmas #2. The kids were spoiled like usual.
This year we spent Christmas Eve with Angie and her family it was tons of fun. We started off by making yummy pizzas... Not sure if this is a yuck face or a yum face!!!!!!!!
Everyone had a great time and then it was time for cookies..
After that we went out looking at Christmas lights, I think I like it more then my kids they act like it is torture, but we made it home just in time to find our pajamas from pj elf....
The kids were kinda mad that their pajamas were just pants this year so I guess we better tell Pj that we like shirts and pants (and yes those are wife beaters the boys are wearing)Ryan loved his pajamas so much that he kept them on and wore the shirt the next day too!! Gotta love "The Christmas Story" especially when it runs for 24 hours Christmas day WAHOO!
This last week we were asked to dog sit. Of course we would do it, Preston has been begging for a dog forever and whenever the pet store has the dogs out front we have to see tears. This was the perfect way to let him have a dog for awhile then give him back.
They dropped him off Wed morning, and of course he was a little nervous so he went outside and decided to roll in his poop, ok Walter was still here so he cleaned him off and left, he wanted out again so we let him out and he rolled in his poop again.. SERIOUSLY!!! We sprayed him off and got smarter and had Preston go clean the poop up (hes the one who wanted the dog, he gets to clean up after him) After awhile Preston says "this is harder then I thought" DING DING DING my plan worked!! The day went on and everyone was a little over excited so it was hard to keep them calm. Wiley is house trained and sleeps in his kennel (or Kernal says Avree) so that was a great bonus until he decided to wake up at the crack of dawn and guess who had to get up with him? But how could you be mad at the face?
Ok the rest of the week was great, he slept in, he never barked, he was the perfect little dog. We actually started to really like, the only thing is.... he eats his poop!! Gross I know I got online thinking there had to be something wrong with this dog and found out that is what tons of shih tzus do.. I guess that is how they got their name hehehe!! Anyways it was hard to let the dog give kisses.
The kids absolutely loved playing with Wiley, they would take him out and run with him forever I think we wore him out pretty good, he would even go climb in the kennel by himself and go to sleep. Wiley is gone now, it was kinda sad to see him go, I like dogs but I dont know if I am a dog owner kind of person, I had a dog all growing up and when he died it was the saddest day ever.. So for now we are dogsitters not dog owners, but we will miss you, and your little poop eating kisses!!!
Preston played in a competitive soccer team this year. I loved watching him! He really has a love for sports no matter what it is and he gives his all at whatever he is playing. They didn't win any games this season but you would of never known.. They worked so hard and had so much fun together. It was a great team! Cant wait until the spring.. GO DOMINATORS! Aidan played soccer to this year and totally kicked butt! Ryan told him he would give all the kids $1.00 per goal and I think Aidan made almost $30.00 haha! I think Ryan wont make that deal next year.. Of course the greatest thing about playing soccer is getting the trophy! Aidan had a great team and all the kids did so good and I loved that Aidan made some new friends. GO STRIKERS!! Soccer really isn't Avrees gift but she wanted to play so we signed her up and she had a great time!! She improved tons from 2 years ago when she chased her shadow around the center circle laughing with her tongue hanging out.. I love how she wants to play everything her brothers do. Her team was so fun, her coach gave them a big party at the park and gave them all little gifts! The Soccer Bees were awesome!! It was hard this year having 3 kids playing soccer, some were at the same time at different fields, some took up the whole day and some were back to back, but I wouldn't give any of it up to watch them play and love it. I am sure it will get better as they get older after they find the things they love right now we are still in experiment mode trying everything out!!
Ok so I know I am the meanest mom ever but it was too funny to not take a picture of. I went to check on Avree when I got home from work and this is what I found!! Poor girl has had a stuffy nose forever HAHA! She is so going to hate me someday but for now it is soooo worth it!!
I have missed tons lately so I am just shoving it all in one post not even in the right order! Oh well, just be happy I am posting. My parents took Aidan and Avree out for ice cream after their soccer games while I could get ready for my work Halloween Carnival and when they brought them to me she was missing a tooth. She said she was eating her ice cream cone and it just popped out (so much better then the torture Preston says he went through) After that Aidan decided he was done eating because he was scared his teeth were going to fall out too! Preston had a Baseball Tournament on Halloween this year so he just decided to be a baseball player for Halloween. They got their butts kicked this trny so I am happy he got tons of candy to keep his mind off of it. He didn't want to go trick or treating this year (he is kinda wimpy and gets scared easy) but we talked him into it after all! Here is Aidan shooting a web.... I was a mean mom this year and made the kids pick things out of the dress up box instead of buying costumes. Of course I feel bad and hit the after Halloween sales and think I made up for it. Here is the Vampire Queen Bee... She just had to wear some vampire teeth with her costume but I have to say I think she looks so stinking adorable! Prestons Birthday was at Sand Hollow this year! So nice to just sit back and let them play. I loved not having the stress of planning games and entertaining. Of course I told everyone that since we went to Disneyland right in the middle of Aidan and Prestons Birthdays that was going to be their party but when it gets closer you just want them to have fun so I caved and did partys. Just a quick shot of Avree getting ready to play soccer. Her team name is the Soccer Bees. Aidans first day of school. He could have gone to kindergarten this year and he was really ready but his birthday is the cut off so I decided to make him the oldest in the class instead of the youngest. So far so good he hasn't complained to much.
And here is Aidans birthday party that I wasn't going to have, we did a water gun party in the backyard it was tons of fun. Good thing the weather was still nice.
I know I still have tons of things to post.. So stay tuned!!!!