This last weekend we decided to take the kids up to Zion for their Free Day. I love Free! We started off the day by having lunch at the Pizza & Noodle.. Good Company not so good food! Loving the Pink lemonade and a nice pic of the breadsticks!! Then we decided to ride the shuttle, anything that looks like a bus is super cool and way better then a car to ride in. We walked up to Weeping Rock, it was a nice little hike with the kids and it was fun to get a little wet for our walk down. After all this fun, eating, hiking with tons and tons of people around Ryans notices his shoes, how in the heck did he put two totally different shoes on! Seriously how embarrassing it was so funny I couldn't stop laughing after that! Dont you love the farmers tan to go with the totally non matching shoes... What a dork! hahaha! After our long hike (ok it was quite short but fun to get out of town) We decided we needed ice cream. It was such a good day hanging out with Ryan and the Kids. Our weekends are usually filled with running around saying Hi as we pass each other. It was so relaxing and I can't wait to do it again.
I can't believe its already the first day of school. Its hard to think that I have a 3rd grader and a 1st grader! They have been so excited for school to start. I love that they still love school. Avree woke up bright and early which I thought would be a stuggle since she sleeps in until 10am everyday, she was excited to eat school lunch and wanted me to take her to school and walk her to her class. Preston on the other hand wanted to ride the bus and didn't want me anywhere near his classroom. I did peak in just to look at him and to remind him he had a sister to pick up after school and I got the look of death. haha! Too bad I didn't have my camera ready for that but I promised him no pictures except at the house. So now its just me and Aidan.. what are we going to do all day!!! Good times for sure!